Download our latest retail guide: 5 strategies for success

Learn how the UK’s leading retailers are delivering business impact with insight from Co-op, Domino’s, Very Group, John Lewis.

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Optimised, business-focused apps are no longer optional

With over 80 apps on an average smartphone, yet only 8 being used regularly, as the proliferation of mobile continues to grow and competition for eyeballs is rife.

Retailers can no longer question whether you need a mobile app, rather how can you make sure your digital product stands out by delivering both a memorable experience and business impact in a crowded market?

Our latest guide shares an overview of inspiration and insights which can help to shape and improve your mobile strategy, increase downloads and retention, and maximise revenue.

Download the guide to discover 5 key strategies for creating a successful app today.

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We often talk about giving customers a reason not to get rid of our app when their phone is telling them their storage is full. We need to give them more.

Muktar Muhama Head of Digital Product, The Very Group

Our app puts the customer at the heart of everything we do to ensure pizza lovers everywhere continuously get that smooth, personalised experience they expect from our brand.

Nick Bamber Chief Digital Officer, Domino's Pizza UK

We have an app segmentation that allows us to point to any customer in the database and say whether they are one of six types of value customers for us and therefore, are they a customer we want to retain in the experience?

Adrian Evans App Lead, John Lewis and Partners

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