Have yourself a mobile little Christmas…

by Apadmi|Tue Dec 05 2023

Little Lives Promo Image | Christmas Campaign 2023

Apadmi has teamed up with children’s charity Little Lives UK this Christmas to bring tech to those that need it.

Our constant focus is creating mobile applications and digital products which are at the cutting edge of what is possible with mobile technology. 

But not everyone has access to the latest and greatest devices. In fact some people don’t have access to any at all.

Little Lives UK is using old technology to have a positive impact for children. Whether that’s through reuse in schools and youth organisations, or raising money to fund initiatives to help disabled and disadvantaged children thrive.

So take five minutes this festive period to dig out your old devices, whether it’s a laptop, tablet or mobile and send them in using this freepost link. A little technology can go a long way.

From all at Apadmi, have yourself a mobile little Christmas.

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