Our movers & shakers
Our in-house team includes award-winning designers, strategists, UX-ers, app marketing specialists and software developers galore. Our teams are packed with knowledge and a passion for creating best-in-class digital products.
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Get to know us
What does our team look like?
The Apadmi Universe revolves around Software Engineering, but we all know the old saying, "it takes a village to raise an app".
Our team is proud of our wide variety of expertise we keep under one roof, with designers, testers, project & product management, client services, marketing and last, but not least, the business operations team. Although we may work across varying departments, we are all united as experts in everything mobile.
A snapshot of life at Apadmi
Hello from our Manchester HQ
Working with Apadmi has been really positive. Apadmi struck a good balance between being responsive to what our organisation and charity needed, and keeping the project on track. I’m just overall happy with the collaboration.
George Wright Head of Communication and Fundraising, Big Life Group
Want to get to know the team better?
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