Optimising your mobile strategy: The Retail Edition

Learn how the UK’s leading retailers are delivering business impact with insight from Co-op, Domino’s, Very Group, John Lewis.

Optimising your mobile strategy: The retail edition - cover

Optimising your mobile strategy: The retail edition - cover
Optimising your mobile strategy: The Retail Edition - inner page

About the report

Optimised, business-focused apps are no longer optional for retailers

The proliferation of mobile continues to grow and competition for eyeballs is rife. For retailers, it’s no longer a question of whether you need a mobile app, rather how can you make sure your digital product stands out by delivering both a memorable experience and business impact in a crowded market?

Our latest mobile optimisation guide contains insights from leading retailers including John Lewis, Co-op and Domino’s. Download your copy today.

Contact Us

Our app puts the customer at the heart of everything we do to ensure pizza lovers everywhere continuously get that smooth, personalised experience they expect from our brand.

Nick Bamber Chief Digital Officer, Domino's Pizza UK

What to expect

Our retail edition contains 5 strategies for success for retailers

Contact Us

    Personalisation and user experience

    Meaningful rewards = genuine customer loyalty

    Connecting offline and online experiences through omichannel

    Collecting and dissecting data for decision making

    The value of app ‘aftercare’ and how you can support your users

Download the Retail Edition here

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