NHS Blood and Transplant - Transplantpath

Transforming critical ways of working for organ transplant specialists with TransplantPath

ProductNHS TransplantPath
HQLondon, UK
Impact3,700+ transplants annually
Client Since2015

Key achievements

  • New, efficient, standardised process for accepting or declining organ donations

  • Estimated to save 61 days per year in manual processes, an average time saving of 29.5 minutes for every organ offer and equating to 302 more transplants per year

  • 1281 users and 9025 images uploaded since launch

  • More secure, user-friendly product that protects patient data

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What you need to know

In the world of organ transplantation, every second counts. NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) recognised the need for a transformative solution to simplify and speed up the process of evaluating organs and sharing crucial information among transplant professionals. NHSBT had previously worked with Apadmi to build award-winning digital solution ‘Donorpath’, which was the start of a now 10 year partnership with 43 project phases delivered together focussed on the digital transformation of the Organ Donation service.

Transplant Path’s goals were to provide a reliable and user-friendly application, that offered secure, easily accessible information. The requirements for TransplantPath are part of a broader NHS Blood and Transplant strategy to create a world-leading organ donation and transplantation service that maximises the potential for deceased donations. The objectives of the project were to replace an existing legacy system used by retrieval and transplant surgeons to access data about patients and the organs they are donating. The solution also needed to provide the ability to securely share digital images and videos of organs between retrieval and transplant surgeons, providing these capabilities across any device. The tech needed to be designed to enable fast follow features, including digital offering and acceptance.

Everyone is incredibly impressed with Transplant Path. Thanks to the team at Apadmi, the technology is of the highest quality with impressive speed and functionality.

Laura Ellis-Morgan, Head of Product, NHS Blood and Transplant

What we did

Effective collaboration was key to success in building this piece of technology. Apadmi and NHSBT worked together to pool expertise and resources to create TransplantPath. This collaborative approach allowed both teams to develop a tailored solution that addressed the unique challenges faced by transplant professionals. The pair also included Microsoft in initial early architectural design discussions, to see how best to leverage their latest technologies to come up with a reliable, scalable solution. Throughout development, key stakeholders were kept in the loop, constantly assessing and giving feedback on Apadmi’s progress to ensure it aligned with NHSBT's objectives and met the needs of transplant professionals.

Transplant Path was delivered using fixed price phases that aligned to the Government Service Standard. Challenges included having to work with stakeholders outside of NHSBT, which meant we created an extended research and discovery activities to hold 30+ User Research sessions to engage with a diverse set of clinical stakeholders. Another key obstacle identified was the need for a custom camera control to ensure we could manage image quality and security. This extended development time, however we managed to eliminate the impact on NHS project budget. We took key lessons from the camera control experience, introducing technical spiking or prototyping (as used in DonorPath) for new technology features.

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How we moved the market

The result is a product that enables quick decision-making by simplifying the process of accepting or declining organ donations, being able to record media to support organ donation offers, and finding the right donor for recipients. We have introduced a new way of working to allow surgeons to assess organ quality in advance of the organ arriving, as well as the use of unique custom camera control technology to enable images and videos to be taken at the right quality in a clinical setting. We have also laid the foundations to share images with OrQA (Organ Quality Assessment) to support the technology and clinical development of a pioneering new AI method to assess the quality of organs for donation - images and data captured by TransplantPath are being used to support algorithm training and development.

Although in the early stages of launch, Transplant Path is already making a big impact, with even greater success to come. With over 1200 unique users since launch, and over 9000 images taken since launch, it is clear that specialists within NHSBT are swiftly adopting and utilising the new technology.

Transplant Path enables an average time saving of 29.5 minutes for every organ offer, and specifically saving 50 minutes on average for each kidney through removal of manual processes. This equates to a predicted 302 more transplants taking place per year, meaning quicker decisions, better organ utilisation rates, and ultimately, more lives saved. Feedback from NHSBT staff has been overwhelmingly positive with the product already being praised for its user-friendly interface, quick access to information, and high-quality images.

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Our Awards


The NHS TransplantPath has won the following Awards

  • Innovation Award, Manchester Publicity Association Inspiration Awards 2024
View our awards

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