Turning the UK pink and digitising organ donation
Organ donation week is raising awareness of the need to register - a process which is easy and hard all at the same time.
Organ donation is a simple and complicated process.
Simple because the two minutes it takes to sign up could save a life.
Complicated because… Well lots of reasons, but not least because matching organs is difficult, surgery is never straightforward, donors’ loved ones play a part and time is always of the essence.
Finding a match is by far the biggest factor. As a result more than 7,000 people need a life-saving transplant right now, but sadly there are only around 1,400 organ donors each year.
This week (16-24 September 2023) is Organ Donation Week in the UK, when the NHS aims to turn the UK pink to raise awareness and get 25,000 new donors to sign-up. From pink wigs to pink cakes, find out how you can get involved here.
And signing up is easier than ever before thanks to a simple sign-up page. In fact, digital is making the entire organ donor process easier.
For nine years, Apadmi has supported the NHS with a digital transformation and evolution of the organ donation process. Our work with NHSBT has given critical time back to the amazing healthcare professionals who save lives.
The NHS DonorPath App is now used in more than 260 hospitals across the UK, enabling patient and organ data to be inputted locally and updated centrally in real-time.
But with or without the technology, the process can’t go ahead if there aren’t the right donors. So get involved, turn something pink and sign-up.