Integrate mobile and web apps with other technology

Next generation platforms ensure nothing falls between the cracks when new technology meets old.

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Creating new mobile and web applications creates challenges when integrating with existing IT systems and legacy technology.


Apadmi’s systems integration specialists can take away the pain of getting your new application up and running alongside your existing digital products.

Having first spent time understanding your legacy technology, we then create the relevant middleware to enable a seamless data flow between new and old. All while maintaining the security and resilience of the new system to both data loads and external threats.

We also offer system integration as a stand-alone service, so can work with you to integrate products built by other partners or internal teams as required.

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How we helped NHS integrate mobile and web apps with other technology

NHS - DonorPath

The app we built for the NHS is the most complex system integration work we've done. The app had to integrate with the systems already used by the NHS, protect sensitive patient information from threats or leaks and fulfill regulatory demands.

See our case study

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