Manage my app reviews and ratings

Poor reviews aren’t just about functionality flaws. Active community management is a key part of keeping customers happy.

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My app has a poor rating in the App Store and Google Play.


Having the right infrastructure for customer support and optimisation in app stores can be just as important as the in-app experience. Apadmi’s community management team provides best practice in responding to app store reviews, creating stock answers for common questions and a feedback loop to ensure comments are factored into future functionality discussions. We can respond to all reviews within 24 hours, engage with your app users and turn one star reviews into five.

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How we help Co-op manage reviews and ratings


After relaunching the Co-op app, Apadmi worked with their in-house team to raise the app rating to 4.8 out of 5-stars. To keep the rating consistently high, Apadmi continue to support Co-op by flagging and fixing any issues their members might be having and communicating key app updates and new features.

See our case study
Co-op App

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How do we get to a 5-star app rating?

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